Ellie Grace turned 5 months on September 19th.
Here are some pics of her and her sticker.

Here is what is going on with her right now. Drool, drool and more drool! She is constantly drooling and putting things in her mouth all the time! It's really crazy to me. She is consistently rolling from her back to her stomach and occasionally from stomach to back. She is so strong. She tries to sit up all the time. If we sit her up, she can sit there upright for a little while but she will tump over and she is able to wiggle herself onto her stomach when she does tump over so that's exciting. She's quite the eater too. She has enjoyed sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and peas so far. It seems like I can't feed her enough. She is getting so big. I took her to the doctor on September 6th about her cheek and she weighed 16lbs 4oz then so I'm sure she weighs 17lbs by now. She still loves her pacifier but is getting a lot better about keeping it in. She goes to sleep on her side and ends up all kinds of ways and still loves to have a lovie. She also likes to have something to fiddle with when she's taking her bottle too. It can be her bib, my arm, Josh's beard, just whatever her hand comes across. That's all I can think of right now. She is so sweet and just funny to watch. We love her.