Sunday, October 30, 2011

Six Months

It's hard to believe Ellie Grace could possibly be 6 months but it is true. Here are some of her 6 month sticker pictures. 

Please notice the hand in the pocket. Josh's handiwork.

I love this expression. I wonder what she is thinking.
At Ellie Grace's six month check up appointment she weighed 17 lbs 13 oz and was 26" tall. She is in the 75th percentile in height and weight and her head is in the 90th percentile. Don't worry she'll grow into it. :) She got four shots and had fever for about 24 hours after. That was her first time to have fever, to my knowledge. 
Ellie Grace is CONSTANTLY putting things in her mouth. There is never a time when she doesn't either have something in her mouth or is trying to get something in her mouth. I've never experienced anything like it. She also reaches for any and everything. It's really hard to hold her while I make her bottle now because she tries to do a dive bomb out of my arms onto the counter to get whatever she sees. She likes to play with anything that she can get in her mouth. She especially loves the white silky tags on anything. She is consistently rolling over from both back to stomach and stomach to back. She sits up pretty good unassisted for a little while but she will eventually tump back, front or to the side. If she tumps to the side or front she promptly wiggles herself onto her tummy which is really fun to watch. A lot of times if she is laying on her back she is trying to sit up. She laughs a lot and we love it when she does. She has been eating rice cereal mixed with sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peas and bananas. It seems like she doesn't like to eat solids in the morning but woofs it down in the evening. She's a really great napper. She pretty much takes 2 to 3 naps a day and goes down for them really well, which makes me very happy. She is really enjoying bath time more too. 
She is really getting to be a lot of fun and is very sweet. We love her and are very thankful for a healthy and happy baby girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Cutie cutie! I love that last expression, too! Kate sends a 1/2 b-day shout out to her BFF! :)
