Ellie Grace turned 7 months old this past Saturday.
I love her expressive eyebrows. |
No more pictures, please! |
Her monkey is on house arrest, that's why it has that anklet on. |
She tackled the monkey. |
Here is what is going on with little Ellie Grace at seven months.
She is getting heavy! I went to the doctor today to see if she has an ear infection (no ear infection just a red throat, not strep though) so they weighed her and she weighs 18lbs 10oz. I don't know how much longer I can wear her in the papoose. She has 2 teeth. They don't seem to be bothering her too much and I still haven't been able to capture them on camera. Today the doc said some top teeth will be appearing soon. She is still eating solids with rice cereal twice a day. I'm toying around with switching her to three times and stopping the rice cereal. She really enjoys puffs. Did you know there are 73 puffs per serving and only 25 calories per serving?! She doesn't eat 73 though. :) I need to try and incorporate them into my diet. I have tried introducing a sippy cup but I don't think she liked the first kind I bought because the spout was way harder than her bottle so today I tried a new one with a softer spout and she actually sipped a little water from it but then she choked and got really red. We shall try again. She's not crawling yet. She has gotten up on her knees maybe three or four times but not on all fours. She really tries to sit up on when she's laying down, but she can't do it yet. She really gets a good ab workout. She is making lots of noises and that's really cute. The thing I hear the most is hiya, kind of like the sound you are supposed to make when you do a karate move. She doesn't do the corresponding karate move though. That is all I can think of right now. She's precious and we love her. One thing we know for sure after seven months is, like my dad has been saying ever since we got pregnant, a baby changes EVERYTHING.
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