Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A legend dies, another is born.

Josh's truck is somewhat of a legend amongst those who have seen it. I believe you can see why from the pictures below. It has been his pride and joy since he got it in 2005. Just look at it, what's not to love? :) It's just so utilitarian. He literally has everything he could ever possibly need for work on there. I kind of sound like I'm making fun of it and to some degree I am but it really is useful and he has done a great job of being prepared for whatever may come up at work or at play. (Josh's play is doing work at home or elsewhere, it's his hobby.)

We have been so blessed that Josh has recently gotten a new truck! It is the truck of his dreams and it took him about 3 months to figure out exactly what he wanted and now it has come to fruition and it's just perfect! He loves it and I love it. I feel like I'm driving a semi truck! It's so quiet and the tool boxes are just marvelous. As you can see Ellie Grace approves as well. 

All the stuff on the ground is while he was transferring tools from one to the other.

Yes, we did put her in the tool box. :)

May old red rest in peace, she served us well.

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