Monday, August 22, 2011

Cadillac Cutie

About 4 months into our pregnancy, Josh and I realized that we needed a third car because his truck is in no condition to have a passenger, especially one as precious as Ellie Grace. Josh found a great deal on Craig's List for a used Cadillac Deville with low mileage.  Of course, I was hesitant at first because I was pretty sure that there was an unwritten law that you have to be at least 55 to own a Cadillac Deville but Josh quickly reminded me that we don't abide by unwritten laws. So we got the Caddy and have thoroughly enjoyed it's smooth ride and spacious interior, even though everyone laughs at us when they see us roll up. Anyway, all that to say, this past Saturday Josh was doing some work on the Caddy and needed my help. So my sidekick and I went out to help him. All we did was turn the key but we got some cute shots of Ellie Grace behind the wheel.

 Josh always says that this will be Ellie Grace's first car and if it is still around in 16 years, I'm sure it will be. Can't you see how excited she is about that?

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