Friday, January 20, 2012

Ear Infection

Ellie Grace has had her first ear infection. I took her to the doctor on Friday, January 13 because she had been spitting up a ton! So much so that two times when I came to pick her up at the church nursery they had changed her clothes. I was concerned because I thought she was supposed to be slowing up on her spitting up as she gets older and it was seeming to bother her when she did it. Any who, the doc said it was nothing to worry about. (I really have a hard time accepting this, it just doesn't seem right.) He checked her ears and said they were fine. Then Saturday night/ Sunday morning around she woke up every 2 hours crying. I just figured she had lost her paci or lovie so the first 3 times I just went in there and gave them to her then the 4th time I went in there her nose was so stuffy. She had no signs of a stuffy nose the day before. She seemed hot to me, which she does a lot and I always take her temperature and she never has temperature so I kind of hesitated to take it but considering the nose I took it and she had temp of 100.9 so I gave her tylenol and used the aspirator on her nose. She then slept until 8:30 which never happens so I knew something was up. Most of the day I just kept sucking stuff out of her nose and it was really thick and yellow so I knew I needed to call the doc the next day. Her temp was normal during the day Sunday but went back up that night so we gave her more tylenol. I called the doc Monday morning and they said to come in. I'm so glad I did. She had an ear infection. I was so surprised that her ears could look fine on Friday and then she could have an infection on Monday. They gave her amoxicillin and the first few times it was a wrestling match when I had to give it to her. She's doing much better now. By Wednesday her nose had really cleared up and what comes out is not yellow anymore. If they hadn't told me I wouldn't have known about her ear because she hasn't pulled it once. Thankfully her first ear infection has not been near as bad as I thought it would be.
Here she is waiting to see the doctor on Monday.

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