Tuesday, March 26, 2013

iPhone Photo Dump

I take a TON of pictures with my iPhone so I thought I would do a post of a few, 42 to be exact, of my favorite pictures from my phone recently. I tried to get them in chronological order but didn't quite work out.

new jacket from our dear friend Mrs. Sammie

swinging in Saylor's swing

playing at the children's museum kitchen

styling and profiling, she told me she could see better with her glasses

looks guilty

first painting experience

found her like this one morning

being pacified with Barney on the iPhone at Cracker Barrel

her first craft from Mother's Day Out

pajamas and cowgirl boots

fishing lessons with Daddy

eyeing someone else's snack at the park

eating oatmeal all by herself and in a headband

eating at Sonic after we biked there with the Addisons

learning how to eat a snack while watching a movie from the Jones girls

silliness while Mommy brushes her teeth

ready for Mother's Day Out pics in a dress Bebe made

at the zoo with a bunch of sweet friends

at library story time at the Arlington library


riding her new hand-me-down toy with spunk

watching Elmo

at the park with her favorite Kate Kate

playing with neighbor Avery

ready for boating at Mia & Granddaddy's new house

wearing Daddy's tie while we wait

playing at the mall playground

teaching Saylor about life

posing with Dakota bear, another toy named by Josh

playing water beads outside

shopping at the children's museum mini grocery store

checking out her ponytail

"fishing" at the children's museum

"tinkerbell time" as she calls it

more fishing with Daddy

playing with neighbor Olivia

riding the motorcycle at the children's museum

looking windblown at the park

she now gets her hair blown dry after baths and this is the result, beautiful

playing at Uncle Andy's and Aunt Bebe's

playing at the mall with Kate Kate

I ran across this blast from the past and thought I'd post it for fun. 
They have changed so much! 

1 comment:

  1. Angela, allll of these pictures are filled with cuteness! Ellie grace is beautiful :)) the last one of the 2 girls stole my heart!
