Well, this post consists of 44 pictures from my phone so I think the title is appropriate. I can't remember the last time I got the real camera out. I'm sure it will reappear when Mason comes, since we will have a still subject to photograph. So here's what we've been doing from last Saturday all the way until today!
Swing time in the backyard with Daddy.
I had to post 2 pictures of this, one good of her & one good of him.

Then they did some strawberry picking in the garden. As of last Saturday our garden was still producing a few berries, probably not anymore with these awesomely chilly temps. She loved picking them, washing them & eating them.

While we were on our walk Saturday morning we saw a few garage sales. I went to one & got some really cute things for Mason. Here's one outfit I got.
Many times when Daddy is in charge of feeding Ellie Grace it happens in the den, especially when football is on. She loves it & yes, she about breaks her neck trying to turn & watch TV.
Last Saturday night, Ms. Tina kept EG so we could go out & of course, no date is complete without a trip to Josh's home away from home, Lowe's.
Here she is last Sunday in a dress BeBe made in honor of Josh. The pattern has a fishing theme.
Delirious on the ride home after Sunday lunch.
Sunday evening we went to a birthday party for Josh's cousin's little boy, Baron, who turned 3. EG loved the bouncy house.
Doesn't everyone play playdoh with one leg propped on the table.
Carrying all her sidewalk chalk at once.
Beckoning me to come play in the rain with her.

This is her "go to" silly face.
I just had to get a picture of this cuteness. I love her in a dress & leggings. She was very excited about this Elmo dress we just got handed down.
Mia & Grandaddy just got swings at their house & we tested them out & gave them 2 thumbs up.
We had a snack picnic on the dock.
Then we went boating with Daddy.
Scratching Daddy's back while he fishes.
Grandaddy got in on the swinging.
I made Josh Rice Krispie treats and I think he enjoyed them.
Ready for the zoo on a chilly Friday morning.
Nina got to come with us to the zoo since she was on vacation from work.
Whitney & Saylor came too.
Just cuteness after the zoo.
This is her favorite place to lay in the whole house. She does this all the time. It is a cushy mat.
Friday evening some neighborhood kids came over & Ellie Grace had the time of her life riding on backs.
After that we went and registered at Target for things for Mason. EG enjoyed scanning.
This really deserves it's own post but "operation big girl bed" is underway. Josh is building a loft bed for EG so that Mason can have her crib. It's gonna be pretty awesome. Josh is beyond pumped about it.
Here are his plans hanging on the wall.
Saturday we had quite the treat. Josh's cousin's husband is head of marketing for the U of M athletic department & they invited us to the football game Saturday inside a suite. It was quite luxurious & perfect for a 2.5 year old.
Here's our view.
EG & Baron scoping it out.
Excited about something on the phone they were sharing.
Talking stats, no doubt.
I had to wake this up Sunday morning to get ready for church.
Ready to go. Her legs sure do look long.