Ellie Grace turned one year old on April 19, 2012. Hard to believe.
I took her to get her first balloon on her birthday and she really enjoyed it. We also rode the carousel for the first time and she liked that too but no pictures from that. It's kind of hard to take your own picture while trying to make sure your child doesn't fall off of the carousel horse. The pics didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped. You can hardly tell but the 12 month sticker is on the purple balloon and she will not be still for 3 seconds. (Ellie Grace's Aunt BB made this adorable dress, she's very talented)
trying to get her hair clip |
talking to those balloons |
REALLY talking to those balloons |
cute cankles |
trying to get her dress off |
really wanting out of that dress |
and off it came |
blowing kisses to the balloons |
Time for a haircut? |
and she's done. |
*At her 12 month check up she weighed 21lbs 5oz and was 30.25" tall.
*She still mostly wears size 6-12 month & 12 month clothes.
*She eats solids 3x a day and has just a bottle 2x for a total of eating 5x a day.
*She officially thinks she is too mature to take anything pureed, makes me crazy because it's hard to find variety that she can eat without choking or will actually like. Right now she consistently eats bananas, toast, peaches, pears, strawberries, chicken, peas, broccoli and cheese.
*She crawls all over the place and pulls up on all sorts of stuff. She has started letting go of whatever it is she has pulled up on and standing for 8 seconds at the most. Still no signs of walking, which is okay with me! At ll months she still hadn't stood up in her crib but now it's an everyday, every time she's in there thing. It's really cute.
*She still does not drink well from her sippy cup. She's definitely improved, so there is hope. Still chokes 75% of the time she actually gets some water from her sippy cup, not sure what that's about.
*She has four teeth on top and four on the bottom.
*She is doing a ton of cute things like, waving, clapping, blowing kisses, giving actual kisses, leaning in for a hug, she drums on things on command, raise her arms in the air on command.
*She says mama, dada, ball, bye bye and makes a whole lotta noises. She's probably saying a whole lot more things but I don't understand them. I'm not fluent in baby yet.
*She's really started to do baby sign language well. She does more, please, bath, hat and toothbrush. Now, if only we could get her to do these without us telling her to do them. Like actually do the "more" sign when she truly wants more of something. :)
She's a precious girl and we love her.
Looking forward to year number 2.
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